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REDIF Journal N°10

International Child Adoption

The theme of this tenth issue is international child adoption, whose main source is socio-economic inequality between North and South, East and West. The place of birth of the adopted child, the socio-professional position of its biological parents often determine its route, societies being traversed by significant material and symbolic inequalities.

Our six institutes have, each according to the angle of attack that he has chosen, studied this theme often through clinical cases.

Autores: Carles Perez Testor Ed., collectif, Georges Eid, Eulalia Torrubia Balagué, Elena Canzi, Rosa Rosnati, Susana Corral Gilsanz, Edurne Urrutia Carretero, Mireia Sanz Vázquez, Susana Cormenzana Redondo, Íñigo Ochoa de Alda, Ana Martínez-Pampliega, Aramburu, I., Pérez-Testor, C., Mirabent, V., Mercadal, J., Almudena Juárez Rodríguez, Ana Berástegui Pedro-Viejo
Fecha del documento: 2018
Número de páginas: 62
ISBN: ISSN: 2070-9021
Investigación: Familia-REDIF
Tema: Desafios sociales y sanitarios; Demás
Origen del documento:
Universidad Ramón Llull (URL)

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Palabras Clave

Europa | Francia | Italia | España | Herramientas y métodos | Servicios de consejería y psicología | Salud y psicología | Ciencias de la familia | Docentes/Investigadores | Niños/Niñas