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Incestuous fetish child: A deadly route

We question the situation of Addis, a child of 10 years, placed on judicial decision, from his early childhood in foster family then institutionalized, through the maternal relationship. Addis is a boy who has behavior disorders and for which the link or the nature of the relationship with the mother questioned as can be bound. Indeed, it has the role of a child fetish. This is question maternal functioning through the trail of a structure or expression of perverse traits building on the evolution of the clinical situation. The passage to the maternal act of a meaningful tattoo illuminates what is psychically played out for this mother and in this relationship which can only be alienating and mortifying for Addis.

Keywords: fetish child, drive for mastery, incestuous, institutional placement, maternal relationship, tatto.

Autores: Laurence Bernard-Tanguy et Martine Ménard Huneau
Fecha del documento: 2017
Número de páginas: 13
Colección: Piper N°7
ISBN: ISSN 2220-5411
Investigación: Psicología - FIUCUP
Tema: Desafios sociales y sanitarios
Origen del documento:
Université Catholique de l’Ouest (UCO)


Dossier « Perversion », Piper N°7

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Enfant fétiche et Incestuel : une trace mortifère
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International Psychology, Practice and Research N°7

Palabras Clave

Francia | Salud y psicología | Docentes/Investigadores