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Universidad Católica de Colombia


The Catholic University of Colombia (Universidad Católica de Colombia) is a higher education institution subject to the survey and surveillance of the Ministry of Education. It is recognized by the Resolution Number 2271 of July 7th 1970 of the Ministry of Justice.

The University mission is, by essence and definition, focused on the person. Through its principles, its intellectual nature and its doctrinal richness, the University generates its own educational methods.

The Catholic University of Colombia conceives education as an intelligent and liberating action of moral kind. It shows itself as a source of intellectual and free actions. It also develops the virtue of studiositas in its community, to make students learn how to develop their thinking. By doing so, it encourages their creative and innovative capabilities, in addition to the knowledge, skills and abilities developed along their learning process.

The University contributes to dignify the human being and a social equitable development. It fosters economic and environmental sustainability through the study, the analysis and the offering of improvement proposals in order to build a fairer cultural, political and economic reality.

The Catholic University of Colombia is essentially an institution founded on the doctrine of Christ’s principles. It will have the Catholic Church as its mentor and comprehensive promoter of its doctrine, of which the University declares itself as its faithful collaborator in the teaching of the truth and those sciences at the service of mankind and the community’s interests”. Statement of Principles and Statutes of the Catholic University of Colombia, 1970.

The university is committed to the development of knowledge and the advancement of sciences and professions. As a Catholic Institution, the university recognizes the Catholic Church as a legitimate promoter of Christ’s principles. Its educational mission centers on the human person, as God’s creature, made in His image and likeness. Our Professors hold high academic, professional and personal qualities. In its academic aspect, there are consolidated programs of undergraduate studies, specializations, masters and PhDs. These programs have an academic trajectory and they are recognized at the national and international fields.

Source: University Website

Mots-clés géographiques : Colombie
Membres de l’organisation :
Francisco Gómez Ortiz
Analyse :
Étude Campus intégral 2018 - Enquête sur les pratiques et les défis des universités catholiques en matière d’éducation intégrale, d’accompagnement de leurs étudiants, et de réalisation de leur mission universitaire