University Social Responsability
Executive Training

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Argentina (UCA)



The Church urges renewed strength with the urgent mission to evangelize the culture and cultures. The Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, constituted by the Argentine Episcopal Conference as a public juridical and canonical person, recognizes itself a privileged instrument in this evangelizing effort, according to the clear teachings of Vatican II , the Code of Canon Law, the Apostolic Constitution « Ex Corde Ecclesiae » and the decree of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina regulating its application, the document " Presence of the Church in the University and University Culture » among other magisterial documents.

The mission of the University is the constant search for truth through research, conservation and communication of human knowledge for the good of society (Ex Corde Ecclesiae 30), in a framework of academic excellence, leadership in the field of knowledge and community engagement.

At the same time, the University, as Catholic, studies and teachings have to be done in light of the Faith, that is, the recognition of Revealed Truth, so that the activity is chaired and inspired by that truth, found in Sacred Scripture and Tradition, with the guidance of the Magisterium of the Church, by divine institution, is its master and custody (ECE , 27). Therefore, the Catholic faith permeates:

research and teaching,

training of members of the university community and

the mission of service and commitment to society and the Church.

The University organizes education and comprehensive training to prepare youth and all those with a college vocation in the specific work of culture, scientific research, the ministry of higher teaching and in the exercise of liberal professions, caring to promote its scientific specialization, professional, artistic or, its university culture or higher, making it able to exercise its vocation with competence and a straight Catholic sense of one’s duties and thus to play a leadership role in society .

By its own identity, the Catholic University must respond appropriately to the serious contemporary problems, particularly in Argentina and the regional situation, in the complex field of modern intellectual culture, discovering in the revealed word of God an interpellation, a mandate and a livelihood.

The University seeks to achieve « a presence, so to speak, public, continuous and universal of Christian thought in any effort to promote higher learning and also to be men distinguished for learning, ready to play responsible roles in society and witness to their faith in the world » ( Vatican II, Gravissimum Educationis , n. 10).

As an institution under the Argentine Episcopal Conference, the Catholic University of Argentina, as it may be eventually requested by the diocesan bishops, as far as possible and complying with the canon and civil law, may create faculties throughout the country, when reasonable academic and economic feasibility of each project is met.

For this, it has to be an authentic community, that is, a human space vitalized by faith that provides a balanced and comprehensive development of the individual.

In its mission, the University is animated by a missionary evangelical spirit of openness and pluralism. Therefore, it has to provide the environment where dialogue between believers and nonbelievers is promoted, without sacrificing truth, in the highest charity.

In summary, the Catholic University of Argentina must provide comprehensive training to perform the synthesis of excellence in the professional and social commitment from a humanistic - Christian worldview.

Source: UCA Website

Geographical keywords: Argentina