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Pontificia Università Urbaniana (PUU)


The Pontifical Urban University, also called the Urbaniana after its names in both Latin and Italian,[a] is a pontifical university under the authority of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. The university’s mission is to train priests, religious brothers and sisters, and lay people for service as missionaries. Its campus is located on the Janiculum Hill in Rome, on extraterritorial property of the Holy See.

The university has four faculties: the faculty of theology, the faculty of philosophy, the faculty of canon law, and the faculty of missiology. The faculties of theology and philosophy are as old as the institution itself, while the canon law and missiology faculties are more recent. The Missionary Institute was founded on September 1, 1933, and split into the two faculties of canon law and missiology on July 25, 1986.

As of 2004, the university educated about 1400 students between these four faculties.

Source: Wikipedia

Mots-clés géographiques : Italie