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Fabio Baggio, c.s. «Pope Francis asks us to spread a positive vision of migrations by enhancing the benefits and advantages it offers»

A seminar on « Migrants and Refugees » took place at the Pontificia Università Gregoriana in Rome on 24 March 2017, organised by our federation and its partners. The aim of this meeting was to draw a state of the art and work on the pedagogies of an International Conference that will be held in the same place in November 2017.

Fabio Baggio, c.s., Under Secretary of the « Migrants and Refugees Section » of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human talked in the name of Pope Francis.

The « Migrants and Refugees Section » of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human is an organ of the Roman Curia, created by the Sovereign Pontiff in 2016 to deal with the migrant and refugees problem.

According to Fabio Baggio, Pope Francis considers the migrants and refugees issue as fundamental. For him, it is one of the major stakes of our epoch.

Auteurs : Inès Teixeira Pons, Loïc Roche, Loïc ROCHE
Date du document : mai 2017
Thèmes : Mobilité humaine et migrations
Origine du document :
Fédération Internationale des Universités Catholiques (FIUC)

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