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The world in 2025: A challenge to reason

Thierry Gaudin for European Commission, 2010

The present report is written at the request of European Commission DG Research and BEPA, who initiated a foresight exercise aimed at analysing the world situation from now to 2025.

To complete this foresight, a working group was composed by the commission Each member ofthe group delivered a report, the list given in the bibliography.; 2 meetings were organised on June 2 and 3 and on September 8 and 9 2008, in order to exchange about these reports and buildscenarios.

The following text has been inspired by this collective work, and also by reading the abundantdocumentation provided from the DG Research by Elie FAROULT and many other sources too.

Anyhow, it cannot be considered as expressing the views of the group members, which are notrequested to endorse the interpretations presented.

It should rather be considered as a personalreport, acknowledging and thanking for all the different inputs provided by the members and thecommission officials.

Autores: Thierry Gaudin
Fecha del documento: 2010
Número de páginas: 101
Tema: Desafios ambientales; Juventud y Sociedades; Movilidad humana y migraciones; Desafios sociales y sanitarios; Educación superior

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Palabras Clave

Mundo | Acceso a la capacitación en un contexto de crisis | Relaciones Internacionales | Global crisis | Salud y pobreza | Desarrollo sostenible y agricultura | Expertos