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Repair of the Self Processes and Sibling Relationships in the Context of Adoption

The subject matter of these clinical observations concerns the perception of the sibling relationship and the negative experiences observed in the construction of the Self. Compared to the affective and emotional situations experienced by these children and adolescents, the acting-out situations have highlighted how some aspects, tendentially negative of the construction of the Self, are manifested in the sibling relationship.

Autores: Ugo Uguzzoni and Francesca Siboni
Fecha del documento: 2017
Número de páginas: 8
Colección: Piper N°7
ISBN: ISSN 2220-5411
Investigación: Psicología - FIUCUP
Tema: Desafios sociales y sanitarios; Demás


Art. 080, Piper N°7

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Documentos relacionados:
Repair of the Self Processes and Sibling Relationships in the Context of Adoption (English only)
Repair of the Self Processes and Sibling Relationships in the Context of Adoption (English only)
International Psychology, Practice and Research N°7

Palabras Clave

Italia | Salud y psicología | Docentes/Investigadores