Responsabilité Sociale des Universités
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8th International Congress of Psychology of the FIUC . Psychology and the Psychosocial : Understandings in Context

March 20 and 22, 2024

Researchers from 226 universities and higher education institutions around the world that make up the FIUC and the entire interested scientific and academic community, gathered from the concern and awareness of Catholic Universities and their training programs in psychology, faced with the need to respond to the complexity of current realities.

The meeting responds to the interest of socializing the investigative and psychosocial intervention processes that start from and take into account the experience of groups and communities in the daily management of life, as well as the social responsibility that higher education institutions have in terms of carrying out teaching, research and extension processes, which allow broadening the vision, recognizing and making specific contributions to these realities.

See general structure of the congress

General objective

Generate spaces for construction and participatory reflection around the needs of current contexts from which advances in teaching, research and extension are questioned, questioned and urged from psychology and towards psychosociological thinking committed to the realities of people, which assumes its academic, political and ethical role for social transformation from different contexts.
Thematic lines

Social contexts, situations and problems that require understanding from psychology

What does psychology have to return to, reflect on, deepen or implode on in current contexts ? What does a psychology on the brink of the abyss that the pandemic revealed as part of our current reality mean ? What are the psychosocial readings that emerge from the realities of crisis : environmental, war, migration, scarcity of resources for life, physical and mental health, hyperconnectivity, hoarding of energy resources ? How has psychosocial contributed to the understanding of these contexts ?

Psychosocial scenarios and practices in institutions, organizations, groups and communities

How have the institutional, organizational, group and community scenarios in which psychologies are present expanded ? How is the traditional knowledge of psychologies questioned in these scenarios ? What methodological developments have been required to meet the needs of these scenarios ? How are the different actors in these scenarios involved in the psychosocial proposals ? What reflections on psychosocial practices have become possible in these scenarios ?

Postures and advances in psychosocial perspectives and reflections that respond to the realities of the contexts

. What do psychosocial conceptions contribute to the understanding of various contexts ? How is the knowledge of psychology transformed when exposed to the needs of psychosocial developments ? What categories have permeated contemporary understandings of psychology from other knowledge ? What critical views of psychologies have become possible ? How are our ways of thinking about the psychic related to psychosocial conceptions inside and outside the discipline ?

University praxis from the psychosocial and transdisciplinary in the training, research and extension of psychology programs

What are the critical points in the development of psychosocial positions in academia ? Where is the reflection on the psychosocial and the criticism of psychology moving within the discipline itself ? What interlocutions have taken place, involving other knowledge, inter- and transdisciplinary in the training of psychologists ? How are the problems and realities of the context addressed through teaching ? What developments or psychosocial alternatives are proposed from the extension in the face of local and nearby regional reality ? How is psychosocial research currently carried out ? How are research, extension and training processes integrated and contributing when considering new social realities ?